
I'll Start Now Before I Fall Off My Quaker

The title comes from the Bruce Cockburn song "Tibetan Side of Town". The verse has a reference to "tom kelly's bike rumbling down". One of my favorite books is" Testament of Devotion" by Thomas Kelly which is one of the great classics of devotional lit. and one of my guides in my life as a Friend. Thomas Kelly was rumored to be quite a daring motorcycle rider. Is Bruce referring to this same T.K.? I let the mystery be.

But it seems an appropriate title for an adventure in Blogging in Quaker space. I hope to be joining in conversation about being a working class Friend, theology ,the Bible , practical living with the growing Seed within, and the convergent dialogue.

And speaking of living with the Seed within- I expect at times I will probably " fall off my Quaker" ( my less inspired self---- phrase courtesy of my sister ). Please gently guide me back. More to work with in upcoming posts.

1 comment:

Robin M. said...

Good luck and welcome to the other side of the blogosphere!